Registration Fee: $100 per child, $50 per additional child
Supply Fee: $150 per family, due by 6/1/2022
Kindergarten Supply Fee: $200 per child, due by 6/1/2022
Tuition for 2022-2023
Kindergarten for children who are five-years-old by September 1:
- Five-Day: $335/month (M-F)
Children who are four-years-old by September 1:
- Three-Day: $250/month (T, W, TH)
- Four-Day: $270/month (M, T, W, TH)
- Five-Day: $310/month (M-F)
Children who are three-years-old by September 1:
- Three-Day: $250/month (T, W, TH)
- Five-Day: $310/month (M-F)
Children who are two-years-old by September 1:
- Two-Day: $225/month (T, TH)
- Three-Day: $250/month (T, W, TH)
- Five-Day: $310/month (M-F)
Children ages eight months to 23 months by September 1:
- Two-Day: $225/month (T and TH)
- Three-Day: $250/month (T, W, and TH) 18-23-month-olds only