Shades Women

Shades Women is about relationships and the connection that happens when women realize they are not alone in this journey. We want to see young women mentored and discipled by women who have gone before them. We want to help older women feel valued and respected by younger women who hold onto every word they say. When we see women surrounding one another in prayer over a job that will move them out of the country, or an adoption that has hit another road block, or a lump that the doctors aren't sure about -- supporting, encouraging, and finding joy in the journey and pointing one another back to Christ -- that's women's ministry.

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Table comes from a place of desiring to bring ladies of all ages and seasons of life together. There are so many women that we need to connect, and what better way to do it than around a table? That’s what we are hoping you will help us do, offer women a time to come together, share some food, share their stories, and share their lives.

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Bible Studies

We're about three things at Shades: meeting with God, connecting with others, and living with purpose. Bible Studies encourage us to live purposeful lives that are all about growing deeper with Christ and investing in others. We have Bible studies to accommodate any schedule. Some meet mornings and others meet evenings. We long to help you grow as a daughter, friend, wife, or mother. We want to encourage you to become a disciple who then makes disciples. Find the study that's right for you and dig into God's Word with other ladies.

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At Shades we believe that mentoring is a valuable tool to help women reach the goal of Christ – centered living. Titus 2 compels women a few life stages ahead of younger women to leave the legacy of biblical womanhood to the next generation. FLOURISH is a devotional style 12-month journey that combines being rooted in the Word of God and learning from a woman farther ahead in her walk with Jesus.

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If you want to volunteer in this ministry but aren't sure where to begin, current volunteer opportunities are one button away.
