Worship Arts

"In front are the singers." (Psalm 68:25)

Why We Exist

Man himself is a work of art, made in the image of God and made to bring glory to his Creator. The Worship Arts Ministry at Shades uses the artistic talents found in this fellowship to glorify the Lord and to serve in the role of Lead Worshippers. 

Just as in Exodus 28:1-3 where the priestly garments were to be made for "glory and for beauty," and instructions were made to "speak to the skillful, to whom I have filled with the spirit of skill," here all ages are given the opportunity to improve their skills, focus their passions, and then commit to making every creative gift an expression of God's character; focused on the "Giver of All Good Things."

Worship Choirs

Our worship choirs span generations. From children to senior adults, we have a worship choir for everyone. As our worship arts ministry leads our church family in worship each week, joining a worship choir is a great way to serve.


Every generation gathers together before our Great Creator in worship on Sundays. Through the language of music, Scripture, and teaching from the Bible, we express to God our adoration, our love, our weaknesses, and our needs.

If you want to volunteer in this ministry but aren't sure where to begin, current volunteer opportunities are one button away.
