Shades Kids

Leading kids to follow Jesus 

Sunday School 

We offer Sunday School (K-5th grades) and Children's Worship (K, 1st & 2nd grades only) two different hours at 9:00 and 10:30 AM. Registration is not required to attend. However, if you have not been to Shades before, please plan on seeing a member of our First Impressions Team when you arrive and they will help you find out where to go. There will be signs to direct you to the right people!

Please remember that any child not attending Children's Worship MUST be picked up by a parent from their Sunday School class. 

Volunteer Opportunities


Shades Kids Fun Fall Events!!!!!

School is in full swing along with all the activities and sports but Shades Kids has planned so many fun activities too.  Just take a look at some of the amazing things coming your way...

Kids Worship Choir (KWC) - Sunday nights at 5:00 PM - email Emily O'Rear for more information!

Family Camp at Worldsong - October 21-22 - learn more and register HERE

Bible Ninja Warriors - November 11th from 6-7:30PM - for K, 1st, 2nd & 3rd grades.  More details coming soon.

TRUNK or TREAT - Wednesday, October 26th from 5:30-8PM.  Learn more HERE.  Volunteers always needed!  Please clink on this LINK and search keyword TRUNK to see all the opportunities to help!

Keep checking back to or our Shades Kids Website for more updates and information!  

Happy Fall!

Midweek Kids

Come join us on Wednesday nights starting on August 24th from 6:00-7:00 PM.

Midweek Kids is a time of high energy, fun-filled time for Kindergarten - 3rd Grade on Wednesday evenings.  Kids can come and have fun while learning about the Bible at the same time. Midweek Kids will incorporate fun games and activities to help kids know Jesus Christ and grow in their relationship with Him.  If you are interested in helping out, you can learn more and volunteer HERE.

Midweek 4:5 (4th & 5th Grades) will meet each Wednesday night from 6-7 PM in room W200. 4th and 5th graders who arrive early are invited to come hangout and play games until we start at 6. Our time together will be a blast every week with an organized game time, worship, a gospel-centered devotion, Q&A time, and snacks! Midweek 4:5 is also a great time to invite friends who may be far from God! See you at Midweek!

Social Media

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram!

Facebook:  @shadeskidsministry

 Instagram:  @shadeskids

Our Mission

Our desire is that your children would follow Jesus. That like Jesus as a young child, they would grow both in their wisdom concerning the Word of God and in stature as they live transformed lives to influence their world for Christ. We do this primarily through Sunday School, Wednesday nights, and events throughout the year.

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man." Luke 2:52

If you want to volunteer in this ministry but aren't sure where to begin, current volunteer opportunities are one button away.
