Opportunities to Serve Ministries > Men's Ministry > Opportunities to Serve

First Impressions Team Member

Our First Impressions Team (FIT) has opportunities for service one Sunday a month on our Parking Team, Greeter Team and Worship Center Host Team.  Serving on the FIT Team is fun, easy and a great way to connect with other Shades members.  Contact Tommy DeRamus for more information.

Prayer Walking 

What is prayer walking? It's walking and talking to God on behalf of others. Prayer walking is accomplished by walking along neighborhood streets praying for those who live and work there. Prayer walking is an intentional way of obeying God's directive to intercede for others and for impacting the individuals and families in our communities for Christ (1 Timothy 2:1). If you are interested in learning more please email Steve Grissett.

Project 729

Project 729 is a monthly service project designed to serve our community one Saturday per month. This men’s ministry assists Shades members or people in the community with outdoor projects specializing in yard transformations. We start our projects at 7:00 a.m. and end promptly at 9:00 a.m. 
For more information or to get involved in Project 729, email Greg Olexa.