I’m a rule follower. I like to know the rules for what I am expected to do, and when I know the rules I do my best to obey them. And I really like it when everyone around me also follows the rules!
Good leaders understand that in order to get the results they want from their teams they need to clearly explain the rules the team members need to follow as they do their jobs. When the team knows what the expected outcome is and the rules they need to follow to get to that outcome, then everyone is one the same page, working together for the desired result.
In our society today there are loud voices saying the rules don’t matter. They say do what feels right to you. They say you have the right to decide what is right and what is wrong, no matter what other people think. One result of this kind of behavior is confusion, and it often leads to chaos.
Christians aren’t immune to those loud voices. We can get confused when we listen to those voices and lose sight of the expectations the Lord has for us as His followers. How do we get that clarity back? How do we get re-centered on the goal Christ has for us? In his sermon this week Pastor George made this statement: “follow the word and you’ll know what to do.”
God has given us His word, and in His word He has given us clear direction for how we should live our lives. In Matthew 28:19-20a Jesus says “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you.” At Shades we call this “living the mission”.
For those of us who follow Jesus, His word clearly tells us how we are to live. We are to share with others the Good News of Jesus and invite them to begin a personal relationship with Him. We are three weeks away from Easter. During this time of year people are open to hearing about Jesus. Would you ask the Father to give you an opening in a conversation with a co-worker, neighbor or friend to share with them about Jesus? As you read His word and seek to follow His direction for your life, He’ll create the opening for you, and when he does, you’ll know what to do!
May you Live Sent today!
Open to all men and their sons 6th grade and older. Food and fellowship starts at 5:00pm.
Would you like to serve the world without ever leaving the city? Register as a volunteer and learn more at www.twg2022.com or e-mail missionalliving@shades.org for more information.