A Journey of God's Faithfulness and Love

The Fergusons

Posted by Lauren Beck
The Lord’s hand is clearly evident in Mary’s journey.

When you meet Kay Ferguson, you immediately feel the love of God. When you hear her story about her daughter Mary, you feel the depths of God’s grace and mercy and see a wonderful testimony of His faithfulness and sovereignty.

In April of 1996, Kay was going about her normal duties at school. She spent time with kids at school, at church and at home with her two daughters.

During what seemed like a normal Friday afternoon, she received a call from a friend at Children’s Harbor Family Center. She was asked to come spend time with a baby in the local hospital that she knew nothing about but was in need of comfort.

There Kay and her eldest daughter Andrea found a fragile three month old baby, who bore battle scars from physical violence. Later they would learn that the boyfriend of the baby’s mother was responsible for her current state. While he claimed the baby had fallen from the sofa, doctors said the injuries that she bore were more reminiscent of a high-impact accident. The injury was so severe that part of her brain had to removed.

Andrea wanted to stay the night to care for the baby named Mary. Andrea ended up holding her all night because she was afraid that if she put Mary down, she would disconnect one of the many cords that were attached to Mary. Little did Andrea know at the time, some of the sores on her Mary’s body caused her to be unable to moderate her body temperature. By holding her all-night, Andrea helped Mary regulate her temperature by providing her comfort through physical contact. The doctor was amazed when he returned in the morning because he had not honestly expected Mary to live through the night.

The Department of Human Resources was not sure what should happen to Mary. Ideally, they wanted Mary to return to her hometown of Anniston, but her known family members didn't want her and the identity of her biological father was unknown.

Care for Mary was difficult; she had many doctors visits throughout the week. Early in her recovery, she was on a feeding tube and was completely blind. Mary had a strict regimen of medicine to help with her various medical issues, especially seizures.

Mary needed constant care which her biological family would not provide. Without anyone willing to care for her, DHR was looking to institutionalize Mary, meaning a loveless existence for Mary.

While DHR tried to decide where Mary should go, they allowed the Fergusons to care of her.

Initially, Kay cared for Mary at the hospital. She took off the last few months of school in order to better care for Mary and eventually quit her job to be Mary’s primary caretaker.

Caring for Mary was demanding. She would take Mary to doctor’s visits throughout the week and even have monthly hospital stays. Her daughters would balance jobs and school to help out. They worked with Mary, showing the love of Christ. They loved and held her like a normal child.

The Fergusons also loved her in different ways like providing nourishment through a feeding tube, exercising her arms and legs to strengthen them, giving her various medicines and driving to Anniston for foster classes many days during the week so that they could become a home - even if only temporary - for Mary.

The process was difficult.

DHR’s desire for Mary to return to Anniston was not successful. There was no one there willing to provide the intensive care. After a long inquiry into her biological family and many fostering classes, the Fergusons were interviewed and DHR permitted them to adopt Mary.

Their home would become a permanent sanctuary for Mary in 2000.

The Lord’s hand is clearly evident in Mary’s journey.

Doctors told Kay that Mary would probably be limited to a wheelchair due to the partial removal of her brain. But Mary did learn to walk. She has a limp and often gets tired but Mary can walk without her chair.

She was blind and there was no hope that she would ever have any sight. Mary does also have the ability to see and she recognizes those around her.

Although nineteen years old, Mary’s mental capacity is limited to that of a toddler but God is using her in miraculous ways. She still has bad days filled with traumatic behaviors like biting and characteristics of autism. On her good days, you will see her dancing to praise and worship music.

Mary shows God’s love by hugging others and asking her mother to pray for those around her. Some people are made uncomfortable by Mary but those who know her or Kay can clearly see the Lord present.

The Ferguson family’s perseverance and courage in caring for Mary is a wonderful testimony to the Lord. Their story reflects God’s own faithfulness and love towards us, shown in Christ’s dying on the cross so that we could be adopted into God’s family.